Ep. 1 - Jake and the Equimancer
Ep. 2 - The Oldest Trick in the Book
Ep. 3 - Jake Finds a Rabblesnake
Ep. 4 - Jake Meets a Client
Ep. 5 - The First Day
Ep. 6 - The Names of God
Ep. 7 - The Second Day
Ep. 8 - The Third Day
Ep.9 - Not Since the Age of Solomon
Ep. 10 - Jake Baker and the Bad Brew
Ep. 11 - A Shot of Soul
Ep. 12 - Darla and Gran
Ep. 13 - From Jar to Hat
Ep. 14 - Jake, Darla and the Airwaves
Ep. 15 - Illusionists and Conjurers
Ep. 16 - Jake and the Ball Game
Ep. 17 - Jake Baker and the Big Old Book
Ep. 18 - Big White Ball in the Sky
Season 1 Q&A Episode
Ep. 19 - Darla and the Backroads
Ep. 20 - What Terrible Power You Bear
Ep. 21 - Jake and the Television of the Gods
Ep. 22 - The Breaker Box of Set
Ep. 23 - Jake and the Cursed Cap
Ep. 24 - Jake and the Sportergeist
Ep. 25 - The missing Collar
Ep. 26 - The Missing Warlock
Ep. 27 - The Ghost Trapper
Ep. 28 - The Pizza Parlor Trap
Ep. 29 - Travel Plans: Near and Abroad
Ep. 30 - The Bobcat Returns
Ep. 31 - Check and Double-Check
Ep. 32 - Night of Wild Cats
Ep. 33 - The Whirling Inferno
Ep. 34 - Thirty to One Odds
Ep. 35 - Big Feeder Country
Ep. 36 - Bobcat Dreams
Ep. 37 - Just His Errand Boy
Ep. 38 - The Ill Wind
Ep. 39 - Rites of the Gazing Abyss
Ep. 40 - Eggs Over Hash, Sunnyside Up
Ep. 41 - Barry's Feeder Surplus
Ep. 42 - Daywalker Magick
Ep. 43 - Death Becomes Life
Ep. 44 - Your Inner Voice
Ep. 45 - Field Research
Ep. 46 - All The Parts Together
Ep. 47 - The Rite of Coup Mortel
Ep. 48 - The Crack of Bael
Ep. 49 - The Whole Damn Enchilada
Ep. 50 - Purely Offensive Positions
Ep. 51 - Another Deadly Turn of the Wheel
Ep. 52 - The Battle of Barrosa
Ep. 53 - Devils of the Sea
Ep. 54 - The Streets of Paris
Ep. 55 - The Wheel of Abandon
Ep. 56 - Steward of This Parish
Ep. 57 - The Golden Bits
Ep. 58 - Forging A Sword With The Wrong Metals
Ep. 59 - The Phantom Guise of Language
Ep. 60 - The Eight Roads of Abandon
Ep. 61 - What Infernal Work of Angels
Ep. 62 - The Seed of Your Strength
Ep. 63 - The Road of Exaltation
Ep. 64 - Our Way Back Home
Ep. 65 - Jake Baker and the Slick Pitch
Season 2 Wrap-up: Questions and Answers
Ep. 66 - Jake Baker and The Watched Pot
Ep. 67 - Jake and The Sprat Man
Ep. 68 - Nate Butcher and The Owl Scouts
Ep. 69 - An "Aeonic Anomaly"
Ep. 70 - Jake Baker and the Loaded Elder
Ep. 71 - That Frozen Desert, Over Yonder
Ep. 72 - Some Wonderful Souvenirs
Ep. 73 - Jake Baker and the Warehouse of Ghosts
Ep. 74 - Chains of The Hereafter
Ep. 75 - Jake Baker And The Strange Days At Burning Foot
Ep. 76 - The Moment Of Purification
Ep. 77 - The First Law of All Magick
Ep. 78 - An Implicate Order
Ep. 79 - The Hall Of The Novahedron
Ep. 80 - A Season For Sowing
Ep. 81 - The Temple Of Hidden Suns
Ep. 82 - The Emperor-Soul's Light
Ep. 83 - Spirit Of Command
Ep. 84 - The Duel Shall Unfold
Ep. 85 - A Preposterous Snare
Ep. 86 - The Left Hand
Ep. 87 - The Devil Finally Came Out To Play
Ep. 88 - The Light Of Your Land
Ep. 89 - Jake Baker and the Egg of Many Shells
Ep. 90 - Raw Evocation
Ep. 91 - A Long Day (Season 3 Finale)
Season 3 Wrap-Up: Questions and Answers
(S4) Ep. 92 - Jake Baker and the Mines of Wailing Ellis
Ep. 93 - An Old Hunk of Junk, Like Me
Ep. 94 - Give the Masons What They Want
Ep. 95 - Jake Baker and the Third Eye Doctor
Ep. 96 - Rainbow Eye
Ep. 97 - The Time of Assurance
Ep. 98 - That Fool Warlock
Ep. 99 - The Brotherhood of Masonic Affairs
Ep. 100 - A Happy Hour Somewhere
Ep. 101 - To Tell It All
Ep. 102 - Chaos and Uncertainty
Ep. 103 - The Tavern Ace
Ep. 104 - The Hawks of Horus
Ep. 105 - Power and Discord
Ep. 106 - Back to Bed
Ep. 107 - Been A Dream
Ep. 108 - Vacation Suites
Ep. 109 - Mercury, Mars, and Saturn Conjoined
Ep. 110 - Jake Baker's Pet
Ep. 111- Darla Craw
Ep. 112 - The Three Virtues
Ep. 113 - A Ticking Time Bomb
Ep. 114 - The Wand of Worlds
Ep. 115 - The Vimana Nursery
Ep. 116 - The Return of Ancient Memory
Ep. 117 - Under Control (Season 4 Finale)
Season 4 Wrap-Up: Questions & Answers
(S5) Ep. 118 - Jake Baker and the Dream Sun
Ep. 119 - MoonShoot LLC
Ep. 120 - This Occult Mathematical Code
Ep. 121 - The Starball
Ep. 122 - A Discipline Not Yet Seen
Ep. 123 - A Game Too Deep For Even The Gods
Ep.124 - You Ol' Goat
Ep.125 - My Grandson's Trailer
Ep. 126 - A God With Some Executive Experience
Ep. 127 - Power Scrawler
Ep. 128 - The Strange And The New
Ep. 129 - Lessons Learned In The Life Before
Ep. 130 - The Last Bishop
Ep. 131 - Your Will So Great
Ep. 132 - Shore to Shore
Ep.133 - A Voyage Ahead
Ep. 134 - A Threat Looms Large
Ep.135 - A New and Terrible Creature
Ep. 136 - Shadow And Other Awfuls
Ep. 137 - A Beast Approaches From Above
Ep.138 - A Confused Rush of Pleasure and Pain
Ep.139 - The Corpse of That Will
Ep.140 - Working For His Cult
Ep. 141 - Your Sensuous Stupor
Ep. 142 - Essential Galactic Nourishment
Ep.143 - For Old Time's Sake
Ep. 144 - This Pursuit of Destruction
Ep. 145 - Will of Worlds
Ep. 146 - In His Severity
Ep.147 - The Ever Wandering Course of Will
Ep.148 - Real in the Heart and Mind but not in Space and Time
Ep. 149 - On Good Faith and Testimony
Ep. 150 - Jake Baker and the Epilogue
Trailer Park Warlock
Ep.133 - A Voyage Ahead
Ep. 1 - Jake and the Equimancer
Ep. 2 - The Oldest Trick in the Book
Ep. 3 - Jake Finds a Rabblesnake
Ep. 4 - Jake Meets a Client
Ep. 5 - The First Day
Ep. 6 - The Names of God
Ep. 7 - The Second Day
Ep. 8 - The Third Day
Ep.9 - Not Since the Age of Solomon
Ep. 10 - Jake Baker and the Bad Brew
Ep. 11 - A Shot of Soul
Ep. 12 - Darla and Gran
Ep. 13 - From Jar to Hat
Ep. 14 - Jake, Darla and the Airwaves
Ep. 15 - Illusionists and Conjurers
Ep. 16 - Jake and the Ball Game
Ep. 17 - Jake Baker and the Big Old Book
Ep. 18 - Big White Ball in the Sky
Season 1 Q&A Episode
Ep. 19 - Darla and the Backroads
Ep. 20 - What Terrible Power You Bear
Ep. 21 - Jake and the Television of the Gods
Ep. 22 - The Breaker Box of Set
Ep. 23 - Jake and the Cursed Cap
Ep. 24 - Jake and the Sportergeist
Ep. 25 - The missing Collar
Ep. 26 - The Missing Warlock
Ep. 27 - The Ghost Trapper
Ep. 28 - The Pizza Parlor Trap
Ep. 29 - Travel Plans: Near and Abroad
Ep. 30 - The Bobcat Returns
Ep. 31 - Check and Double-Check
Ep. 32 - Night of Wild Cats
Ep. 33 - The Whirling Inferno
Ep. 34 - Thirty to One Odds
Ep. 35 - Big Feeder Country
Ep. 36 - Bobcat Dreams
Ep. 37 - Just His Errand Boy
Ep. 38 - The Ill Wind
Ep. 39 - Rites of the Gazing Abyss
Ep. 40 - Eggs Over Hash, Sunnyside Up
Ep. 41 - Barry's Feeder Surplus
Ep. 42 - Daywalker Magick
Ep. 43 - Death Becomes Life
Ep. 44 - Your Inner Voice
Ep. 45 - Field Research
Ep. 46 - All The Parts Together
Ep. 47 - The Rite of Coup Mortel
Ep. 48 - The Crack of Bael
Ep. 49 - The Whole Damn Enchilada
Ep. 50 - Purely Offensive Positions
Ep. 51 - Another Deadly Turn of the Wheel
Ep. 52 - The Battle of Barrosa
Ep. 53 - Devils of the Sea
Ep. 54 - The Streets of Paris
Ep. 55 - The Wheel of Abandon
Ep. 56 - Steward of This Parish
Ep. 57 - The Golden Bits
Ep. 58 - Forging A Sword With The Wrong Metals
Ep. 59 - The Phantom Guise of Language
Ep. 60 - The Eight Roads of Abandon
Ep. 61 - What Infernal Work of Angels
Ep. 62 - The Seed of Your Strength
Ep. 63 - The Road of Exaltation
Ep. 64 - Our Way Back Home
Ep. 65 - Jake Baker and the Slick Pitch
Season 2 Wrap-up: Questions and Answers
Ep. 66 - Jake Baker and The Watched Pot
Ep. 67 - Jake and The Sprat Man
Ep. 68 - Nate Butcher and The Owl Scouts
Ep. 69 - An "Aeonic Anomaly"
Ep. 70 - Jake Baker and the Loaded Elder
Ep. 71 - That Frozen Desert, Over Yonder
Ep. 72 - Some Wonderful Souvenirs
Ep. 73 - Jake Baker and the Warehouse of Ghosts
Ep. 74 - Chains of The Hereafter
Ep. 75 - Jake Baker And The Strange Days At Burning Foot
Ep. 76 - The Moment Of Purification
Ep. 77 - The First Law of All Magick
Ep. 78 - An Implicate Order
Ep. 79 - The Hall Of The Novahedron
Ep. 80 - A Season For Sowing
Ep. 81 - The Temple Of Hidden Suns
Ep. 82 - The Emperor-Soul's Light
Ep. 83 - Spirit Of Command
Ep. 84 - The Duel Shall Unfold
Ep. 85 - A Preposterous Snare
Ep. 86 - The Left Hand
Ep. 87 - The Devil Finally Came Out To Play
Ep. 88 - The Light Of Your Land
Ep. 89 - Jake Baker and the Egg of Many Shells
Ep. 90 - Raw Evocation
Ep. 91 - A Long Day (Season 3 Finale)
Season 3 Wrap-Up: Questions and Answers
(S4) Ep. 92 - Jake Baker and the Mines of Wailing Ellis
Ep. 93 - An Old Hunk of Junk, Like Me
Ep. 94 - Give the Masons What They Want
Ep. 95 - Jake Baker and the Third Eye Doctor
Ep. 96 - Rainbow Eye
Ep. 97 - The Time of Assurance
Ep. 98 - That Fool Warlock
Ep. 99 - The Brotherhood of Masonic Affairs
Ep. 100 - A Happy Hour Somewhere
Ep. 101 - To Tell It All
Ep. 102 - Chaos and Uncertainty
Ep. 103 - The Tavern Ace
Ep. 104 - The Hawks of Horus
Ep. 105 - Power and Discord
Ep. 106 - Back to Bed
Ep. 107 - Been A Dream
Ep. 108 - Vacation Suites
Ep. 109 - Mercury, Mars, and Saturn Conjoined
Ep. 110 - Jake Baker's Pet
Ep. 111- Darla Craw
Ep. 112 - The Three Virtues
Ep. 113 - A Ticking Time Bomb
Ep. 114 - The Wand of Worlds
Ep. 115 - The Vimana Nursery
Ep. 116 - The Return of Ancient Memory
Ep. 117 - Under Control (Season 4 Finale)
Season 4 Wrap-Up: Questions & Answers
(S5) Ep. 118 - Jake Baker and the Dream Sun
Ep. 119 - MoonShoot LLC
Ep. 120 - This Occult Mathematical Code
Ep. 121 - The Starball
Ep. 122 - A Discipline Not Yet Seen
Ep. 123 - A Game Too Deep For Even The Gods
Ep.124 - You Ol' Goat
Ep.125 - My Grandson's Trailer
Ep. 126 - A God With Some Executive Experience
Ep. 127 - Power Scrawler
Ep. 128 - The Strange And The New
Ep. 129 - Lessons Learned In The Life Before
Ep. 130 - The Last Bishop
Ep. 131 - Your Will So Great
Ep. 132 - Shore to Shore
Ep.133 - A Voyage Ahead
Ep. 134 - A Threat Looms Large
Ep.135 - A New and Terrible Creature
Ep. 136 - Shadow And Other Awfuls
Ep. 137 - A Beast Approaches From Above
Ep.138 - A Confused Rush of Pleasure and Pain
Ep.139 - The Corpse of That Will
Ep.140 - Working For His Cult
Ep. 141 - Your Sensuous Stupor
Ep. 142 - Essential Galactic Nourishment
Ep.143 - For Old Time's Sake
Ep. 144 - This Pursuit of Destruction
Ep. 145 - Will of Worlds
Ep. 146 - In His Severity
Ep.147 - The Ever Wandering Course of Will
Ep.148 - Real in the Heart and Mind but not in Space and Time
Ep. 149 - On Good Faith and Testimony
Ep. 150 - Jake Baker and the Epilogue
This series is rated Teen.