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Become a PatronPrologue
Ch: 1 - The Couple
Ch: 2 - Rain Boy
Ch: 3 - Every Last Drop
Ch: 4 - In My Head
Ch: 5 - The Bride
Ch: 6 - The Bounty
Ch: 7 - Rain Boy & the Monk
Ch: 8 - It's Really You
Ch: 9 - Swines
Ch: 10 - I Never Did
Q&A Season 1
Q&A your questions answered!
Ch: 11 - The War
Ch: 12 - The Ash Demon
Ch: 13 - Mentor
Ch: 14 - Why Do they Hate Me?
Ch: 15 - Again?
Ch: 16 - Murder at the Temple
Ch: 17 - Axe the Wendigo
Ch: 18 - There You Are
Ch: 19 - Stronger
Ch: 20 - I Only Owe You This
Ch: 21 - Rest