The Incarnates
Ch: 21 - Rest Nov 1, 2020 like34 #24 EDIT
Ch: 20 - I Only Owe You This Jul 16, 2020 like43 #23 EDIT
Ch: 19 - Stronger May 28, 2020 like54 #22 EDIT
Ch: 18 - There You Are Apr 29, 2020 like71 #21 EDIT
Ch: 17 - Axe the Wendigo Mar 14, 2020 like90 #20 EDIT
Ch: 16 - Murder at the Temple Feb 10, 2020 like113 #19 EDIT
Ch: 15 - Again? Dec 22, 2019 like115 #18 EDIT
Ch: 14 - Why Do they Hate Me? Nov 22, 2019 like134 #17 EDIT
Ch: 13 - Mentor Oct 13, 2019 like172 #16 EDIT
Ch: 12 - The Ash Demon Sep 20, 2019 like187 #15 EDIT
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- grade 9.19 RATE
A story about 7 mysterious demons who escaped the demon realm to live in the human world as they try to unfold the reasons of their existence and each with their own purpose.
This series is awaiting a Content Rating assignment from its Creator.
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