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- the beginning.
- where are you?
- watched.
- loop.
- the red man?
- simulation.
- reflection.
- who wrote this?
- encounters.
- the corruption.
- can you hear me?
- faulty reset.
- atrophy. (p. 1)
- wait... what? (p. 2)
- he can't win.
- infection.
- how do i save this?
- welcome. =)
- i hear you. =)
- a conversation. =)
- truly wonderful. =)
- hello again. =)
- some concerns. =)
- sA̵̬͕̠̰͈̔̎͊̀̍ved.
- hey there.
- a memory.
- jay...
- it's me!
- hi again.
- more answers!
- heyo.
- w̷̬͑a̸͖͋í̴̝t̵̜͂ ̵̜̚s̴̞̕t̴͖̕o̸̗͛p̷̣̋
- c̵͈̓o̵̭͆n̶̲̐f̶̘̋r̷͈̀o̵̙̅n̵̢̓t̵̳̅a̸͖͂ẗ̴̬i̵̭͂o̴̯͝n̶̜̔
- T̶̡̓H̷͙̓Ẻ̸̱ ̶̜͒ ̵͕̔E̷͙͒S̶̠͘Ć̴̖A̵̯͐P̵͍͊E̷̙͝
- ☹︎⚐︎⚐︎😐︎ ⚐︎🕆︎❄︎
- ...
- ?
- !
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- "
- ,
- ♓︎■︎⧫︎♏︎❒︎●︎◆︎♎︎♏︎
- ❖︎
- □︎
- ♓︎
- ♎︎
- back to business.
- catching up.
- planning.
- strategy.
- action.
- s wA p
- 🖬︎✆︎
- anguish.
- mirror image.
- an offer.
- aftermath.
- trust?
- floating.
- connecting.
- success!
- manifestation.
- oblivion.
- erase.
- a slight problem.
- well... (p. 1)
- well... (p. 2)
- into the dark. =)
- a pathway. =)
- investigation. =)
- life. =)
- progress. =)
- the final piece. =)
- dissent. =)
- almost there. =)
- ... !
- &
- *_ I
- the final plan.
- agreement.
- [OOC: happy one year!]
- tunnels.
- sta⧫︎♓︎♍︎
- ♐︎●︎⍓︎ ♓︎■︎ ♋︎ ⬥︎♏︎♌︎
- ❍︎a●︎f◆︎n♍︎t♓︎o■︎.
- fiG♒︎ting ♌︎aCk.
- fight.
- power.
- the upper hand.
- collapse.
- regret.
- finale. (p. 1)
- finale. (p. 2)
- [OOC: thank you so much!]
- ---
- missing
- awaken
- a start
- enter
- tear
- intruding
- secret
- odd
- signal
- examine
- sign
- breakthrough
- cornered. (p. 1)
- cornered. (p. 2)
- 4
- H
- h
- u
- f
- N
- y
- log in.
- enter.
- archive.
- whisper.
- >":>?""_(
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- ,;l$^%^7
- ;0;['=-,;2
- return.
- think.
- warp.
- familiar face.
- flash.
- back.
- her.
- hope.
- compromise.
- [OOC: happy two years!]
- spy.
- ally.
- unknown.
- split.
- 9
- visit.
- catching up.
- talk.
- break.
- ... - --- .--. - .... . --
- .... . .----. ... -. --- - .-. . .- .-..
- -. --- - .... .. -. --. .. ...