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1. problems and responsibilities
2. Humans rule
3. Life as a hunter-gatherer
4. Domestication
5. revolution
6. Agricultural change
7. The first cities
8. Stone, bronze and steel
9. The written word
10. Gods & kings
11. The first conquerors
12. The Akkadian empire
13. The Indus valley civilization
14. Ancient Egypt
15. Pyramids
16. The Middle Kingdom
17. Girl Power
18. Akhenaten and Tutankhamon
19. Egyptian empire
20. The Kush
21. heirs of Sumer
22. Hittites
23. The set-up for the Bronze Age Collapse
24. Complete System failure
25. Neo Assyrian Empire
26. Babylon
27. Early Judaism
28. The Xia Dynasty
29. the Shang Dynasty
30. The Mandate of Heaven
31. the Zhou dynasty
32. Confucius
33. Taoism and the other schools of thought
34. Warring states
35. the Qin dynasty
36. Vedic India
37. Hinduism
38. Mahajanapadas
39. The Buddha
40. Maurya Empire
41. Ashoka the great
42. Tamil kingdoms
43. Ancient Iran
44. Cyrus & Human rights
45. Achaemenid Empire
46. Scythians
47. Phoenicians
48. Hellas
49. the Greco-Persian Wars
50. Athens & Sparta
51. sexuality and gender in ancient Greece
52. Natural Philosophers
53. Alexander the great
54. the Hellenistic world
55. the Americas
56. Ancient Peru
57. Chavin, Moche & Nazca
58. First Peruvian "Empires"
59. the Olmecs
60. Maya introduction
61. Classical Maya
62. Chíchén Itza
63. Rome
64. Res Republica Romana
65. the Roman Legions
66. The road to empire
67. Caesar & Augustus
68. the Roman Empire and the Pax Romana
69. the Celts
70. the Parthian Empire
71. the silk road
72. the Kushan Empire
73. the peasant emperor
74. the Han dynasty
75. Empress Dowager
76. Ancient Vietnam
77. ancient Korea & Japan
78 Fall of the Han Dynasty
79. the three kingdoms period
80. Second Temple Judaism
81. Jesus Christ
82. cults and catacombs
83. Constantine the great
84. early christian schisms
85. Roman empire in decline
86. Franks and Goths
87. the fall of Rome
88. the Return of Persia
89. the Sassanid empire
90. Axum and Ethiopia
91. Gupta India
92. Epics & Sutras
93. Rise of Southeast Asia
94. Introducing Indonesia
95. Chola Empire
96. Khmer Empire
97. Birth of Islam
98. the first Caliphate
99. Arabian Empire
100. the story so far
101. Islamic golden age: the abbasid caliphate
102. Islamic golden age: the house of wisdom
103. Introducing the Turks
104. The Seljuk Empire
105. Al-Andalus
106. Byzantium
107. Justinian the Great
108. Slavs & Bulgars
109. the Dark Ages
110. Charlemagne
111. The Viking Age
112. Kievan Rus'
113. Medieval Schisms
114. The First Crusade
115. Egypt and the Third Crusade
First episode of 2024 is a fact! I was looking forward to this episode for a long time. But it still surprised me that despite their popularity in pop culture, we actually know very little about vikings. Next episode we will have some more vikings, but then in Eastern Europe, where they became known as Varangians!