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Clean Freak school comic



Clean Freak

ፈᏝᏋᏗᏁ ᎦᏒᏋᏗᏦ; One who is totally obsessed with cleanliness. This story is about a boy name Ļ̴̩̩̩̥̮͉̩̇̀̂͋̿̇͐̈́̒̌́̾̔̿́̅̌̐͠ͅi̷̢̨̼̼̗̯͖̻̟͕͖̅̅̀̇̉͛̑͗̃̏͘̕͠ḁ̵̛̼̲̰͒̋̅̅̄͐̎̂͑͐̉̅͑͋̌͐̈́͗́͘m̶̡̧̛̲͖̹̗̗̥̳̤̹͔̼͎̯̠̹̤͚̘̼̯̥̥͎͍͚̮̩̎̌͑̄̑̉̍̏́̚ͅ. He's a Clean Freak but not in the normal way, he can't handle humanity, he thinks it's filthy and he doesn't want anything to do with it. But then he meet's somebody..special.