Slice of life
Tortoise+Dino (finished)
- 37 - the divide (part vii) Oct 28, 2021 like5,710 #38 EDIT
- 36 - the divide (part vi) Oct 22, 2021 like5,588 #37 EDIT
- 35 - the divide (part v) Oct 14, 2021 like6,041 #36 EDIT
- 34 - the divide (part iv) Oct 7, 2021 like6,087 #35 EDIT
- 33 - the divide (part iii) Sep 16, 2021 like6,255 #34 EDIT
- 32 - the divide (part ii) Sep 8, 2021 like6,076 #33 EDIT
- 31 - the divide (part i) Sep 4, 2021 like6,189 #32 EDIT
- the promise Sep 2, 2021 like7,608 #31 EDIT
- 030 - childish adventures Aug 24, 2021 like7,010 #30 EDIT
- 029 - without you Aug 22, 2021 like7,196 #29 EDIT
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- grade 9.78 RATE
There will be more tortoise and dino comics, but they'll now exist in the dinosaur couch universe. Follow our series dinosaur couch for more dinosaur adventures.
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