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The Adventures of Ollie & Pickle comedy comic


All Ages

The Adventures of Ollie & Pickle

My artwork for my cartoon "The adventures of Ollie and Pickle" are all my original art and stories. Ollie is a 10-year-old skate boarder, and he lives next door to his best friend Pickle, an 8 1/2-year-old adventurous character who loves to have fun with everyone. They live in a neighborhood with their friends Anna age 10 and Daisy age 8 the sisters. Anna is the older sister with a musical flare and Daisy is the younger sister who is a good scout and the want to be girl friend of Pickle. The rest of the neighborhood kids are Davy age 10, who is the rough and tumble scooter mechanic and reformed bully and Charles age 10, the scientific genius who can figure out any problem with science and math. Mona age 10, is the fashion guru of the group and Stella age 9, is the cowgirl who loves animals and to be outside. Together the gang has lots of fun and are always enjoying each other’s company while showing everyone what it’s like to be a good group of kids.