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- Event 1: An Opportunity
- Event 2: Talks
- Event 3: The Feel
- Event 4: Dataran Puteri
- Event 5: Involvement
- Event 6: Planning
- Event 7: One Week Away
- Event 8: Jumble Sale
- Event 9: Jumble Sale Part 2
- Event 10: Resolve In The Rain
- Event 11: Three Friends
- Event 12: Skyline
- Event 13: Representative
- Event 14: First Contact
- Event 15: Off Guard
- Event 16: Success Criteria
- Event 17: The Skyline Visitor
- Event 18: Another Giant
- Event 19: Challenge To The Underground
- Event 20: Connection
- Event 21: Groundwork
- Event 22: An Old Friend’s Visit
- Event 23: Like The Sun
- EX: Holiday Collaboration 2021
- EX: Happy New Year 2022!
- Event 24: Cage
- EX: Chinese New Year 2022
- Event 25: Trial Run
- Event 26: Proposal
- Event 27: Hujan Emas, Hujan Batu
- Event 28: Luna
- Event 29: Blaze of Innovation
- Event 30: Champion
- Bonus Event 1
- Hiatus Update
- Event 31: Pumpkin Mice
- Event 32: Jumble Rock
- Even 33: Flame of Promise
- Event 34: Sama-Sama
- Event 35: Blue Fruit
- Event 36: Trotting Bird
- Event 37: Circle Sobat
- Event 38: We Are Nebula!
- Event 39: The Princess of Monsters
- Event 40: Masterpiece Folklore Series: Si Luncai
- Bonus Event 2
- Event 41: Filtera Visit
- Event 42: Filtera Visit, Part 2
- Event 43: Seafoam Complex
- Event 44: Just Another Colour
- Bonus Event 3
- Event 45: April 2017
- Event 46: Snacks, Lasses & Slapdash Stalls
- Event 47: Our Wings
- Event 48: Deathmatch! Sparrow vs Tiger
- Event 49: Sunset Umbrella
- Event 50: Panorama
- Bonus Event 4: Characters’ Daily Lives
- Event 51: Dreams and the Everyday
Sorry for the late release! It’s become increasingly difficult to keep up with any schedule for this manga, but I’m trying my best! Please enjoy this chapter!