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- Event 1: An Opportunity
- Event 2: Talks
- Event 3: The Feel
- Event 4: Dataran Puteri
- Event 5: Involvement
- Event 6: Planning
- Event 7: One Week Away
- Event 8: Jumble Sale
- Event 9: Jumble Sale Part 2
- Event 10: Resolve In The Rain
- Event 11: Three Friends
- Event 12: Skyline
- Event 13: Representative
- Event 14: First Contact
- Event 15: Off Guard
- Event 16: Success Criteria
- Event 17: The Skyline Visitor
- Event 18: Another Giant
- Event 19: Challenge To The Underground
- Event 20: Connection
- Event 21: Groundwork
- Event 22: An Old Friend’s Visit
- Event 23: Like The Sun
- EX: Holiday Collaboration 2021
- EX: Happy New Year 2022!
- Event 24: Cage
- EX: Chinese New Year 2022
- Event 25: Trial Run
- Event 26: Proposal
- Event 27: Hujan Emas, Hujan Batu
- Event 28: Luna
- Event 29: Blaze of Innovation
- Event 30: Champion
- Bonus Event 1
- Hiatus Update
- Event 31: Pumpkin Mice
- Event 32: Jumble Rock
- Even 33: Flame of Promise
- Event 34: Sama-Sama
- Event 35: Blue Fruit
- Event 36: Trotting Bird
- Event 37: Circle Sobat
- Event 38: We Are Nebula!
- Event 39: The Princess of Monsters
- Event 40: Masterpiece Folklore Series: Si Luncai
- Bonus Event 2
- Event 41: Filtera Visit
- Event 42: Filtera Visit, Part 2
- Event 43: Seafoam Complex
- Event 44: Just Another Colour
- Bonus Event 3
- Event 45: April 2017
- Event 46: Snacks, Lasses & Slapdash Stalls
- Event 47: Our Wings
- Event 48: Deathmatch! Sparrow vs Tiger
- Event 49: Sunset Umbrella
- Event 50: Panorama
- Bonus Event 4: Characters’ Daily Lives
- Event 51: Dreams and the Everyday
Team Skyline works out their proposal for the orphanage visit!