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Just a push for now
Not a care in the world
A Cardboard house
Unlikely friends
Shielding from the rain
The ominous eight sides
Hidden Anger
The dark
The dark: silhouettes
The dark: half black heart
Am I in trouble?
The old start
Backyard adventure
A Bigger problem...
Problematic Voices
A friend's Honesty
And now, imagination with Paro
:l a lil name intro
Tri Zoid
Normal weather
Chef Terra
About last night
Talk to me
Chillin'/ Truth
A Stranger
A Stranger: in the closet
A Stranger: slash*
Finish the fight
Why did I do that
Chapter gap
It's fine, really
Late night thoughts
First warning
What to do with Octon
It was different before
Forever enemies
Chapter gap #2
Playing with Power
Just a big softie
Getting along
Calm nights
Hey there
Don't really mind
Not a big deal
Everything has a shadow
The Golden domino: quad kingdom's defender
The Golden domino: Best in his stack
The Golden domino: Gold's betrayal
Not allowed
An easy choice
Think my way
Darkness over lights
Just a thought
Midnight snacks
Hey, I'm home
Up to date
Got to go
Axis? Here? (short)
Axis? Here?
Right on time
Classmates, not friends
Little effort
Cool down
Invisible force
Tracing steps
Spy work
Too obvious (short)
Too obvious
Day after tomorrow
Spine chilling stares
Mean what you say
Still lonesome
I'm here to make friends
Good bad guy
Three musketeers
No Jest
The identity
Just read the sine
Guardian Demon
Anxiety spike
It gets worse
A fragile figure
Easier said than done
Friendship and little things
"I'll wait" + Christmas bonus
Spotted + Q&A
Better Options
Character sheet (:
The Deal
Good Kid
Off in frustration
Better safe than sorry
Nothing goes wrong
Find X
Code-named coworker
Sense of uncertainty
Beneath the skin
The perfect storm
Banter to Bruises
AGAIN, without mercy....
Mama bear
A speck of resistance
Easing pain
Controlled agony
Good for nothing
That won't cut it
Eyes and ears everywhere
He got the soup
Suddenly sickly
Like a dollhouse
T'was an infernal fate
Too odd for a memory
Wakey wakey
The clouds were jealous
All in your head?
A couple of weirdos
Deadly clutches
Pitch black and pink
Again sometime
What do they think of me
Someone from down under
(yikes) Late Halloween bonus
Burden, problem, pressure
If you want a job done right
I'm not processing straight
They know
I've seen it all
Sleep, paralysis, and demons
Typical dark and stormy night
Emotion & Logic
I have an announcement to make
Stall episode →_→ So I'm trying to improve my comics, can you guys think of any way I can make it better (other than Comic depth b'cuz I'm currently working on that) Also making an O&P animation. Yay