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Cover + thanks
Chapter 1.1
Chapter 1.2
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.2
Chapter 3.1
Chapter 3.2
CH. 4.1: Talk back
CH 4.2: Scars
EXTRA: 20k short
EXTRA: V-day short
CH 4.3: Alone Again
CH 5.1: Aftermath
CH 5.2: It Hurts
Ch. 6.1: A Bad Feeling
Ch 6.2: Until Tomorrow
CH. 6.3: One Year Later
Ch. 7.1: Changes
Ch. 7.2: Rain
Ch. 7.3: Collide
Ch 7.4: She is
Ch. 8.1: Why Him?
Ch. 8.1: Why Him? (2)
CH. 8.2: I Missed You
Ch 8.3: Narrative
Ch. 8.4: Don't touch me
Ch. 9.1: I Love You
Ch. 9.1 (part 2)
100k Q&A
Ch. 9.2: Trapped
Ch 9.3: "So Be It"
BREAK THE 4TH WALL: It's (not) an update
Ch. 10.1: First look
Ch.10.2: Awkward
Ch. 10.3: Fleeting
Ch. 11.1: Out of the Rain
Ch. 11.2: Thoughts
Ch.11.3: Same Message
Ch.12.1: BBQ
CH.12.2: Her Love story
Ch.12.3-13.1: Bump
Ch.13.1 (cont.)
Ch.13.2: [Un]eventful Night
Ch.13.3: Classmates
I don't have the update.. 😶😐😑
Message from Creator: Extended Hiatus
Ch 14: It is (not) him
Ep. 15: It's (NOT) her (Part 1)
Ep. 15: It's (NOT) her (part 2)
"Fish in the Sea"
Ep. 16 (part 1): Her name
EP 16 (part1): Her name (part2)
CH. 17: Strangers again (part 1)
Ep. 17: Strangers Again [part 2]
AAL moving to Originals! [not clickbait I'm serious]
I like [looking] at you
Launch time! September 4th
Dang, I didn't know recovery would be this tough with my vision 😅😅😑 But I'm improving slowly and surely and OT is helping me as well so hopefully I'll continue to make improvements so drawing will get easier for me!