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Cover + thanks
Chapter 1.1
Chapter 1.2
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.2
Chapter 3.1
Chapter 3.2
CH. 4.1: Talk back
CH 4.2: Scars
EXTRA: 20k short
EXTRA: V-day short
CH 4.3: Alone Again
CH 5.1: Aftermath
CH 5.2: It Hurts
Ch. 6.1: A Bad Feeling
Ch 6.2: Until Tomorrow
CH. 6.3: One Year Later
Ch. 7.1: Changes
Ch. 7.2: Rain
Ch. 7.3: Collide
Ch 7.4: She is
Ch. 8.1: Why Him?
Ch. 8.1: Why Him? (2)
CH. 8.2: I Missed You
Ch 8.3: Narrative
Ch. 8.4: Don't touch me
Ch. 9.1: I Love You
Ch. 9.1 (part 2)
100k Q&A
Ch. 9.2: Trapped
Ch 9.3: "So Be It"
BREAK THE 4TH WALL: It's (not) an update
Ch. 10.1: First look
Ch.10.2: Awkward
Ch. 10.3: Fleeting
Ch. 11.1: Out of the Rain
Ch. 11.2: Thoughts
Ch.11.3: Same Message
Ch.12.1: BBQ
CH.12.2: Her Love story
Ch.12.3-13.1: Bump
Ch.13.1 (cont.)
Ch.13.2: [Un]eventful Night
Ch.13.3: Classmates
I don't have the update.. 😶😐😑
Message from Creator: Extended Hiatus
Ch 14: It is (not) him
Ep. 15: It's (NOT) her (Part 1)
Ep. 15: It's (NOT) her (part 2)
"Fish in the Sea"
Ep. 16 (part 1): Her name
EP 16 (part1): Her name (part2)
CH. 17: Strangers again (part 1)
Ep. 17: Strangers Again [part 2]
AAL moving to Originals! [not clickbait I'm serious]
I like [looking] at you
Launch time! September 4th
I should be asleep ^^;;. Standing up to people is difficult, esp if that person is someone close to you and the relationship itself was not healthy so as much as you want to see Reina "kick his butt", she won't as that isn't her personality and she'd rather leave as shown here. Chapter 9 will give more context. Thanks for reading as always!